0282 5100025
Annisa Lintang Sari, S.Si.
Annisa Lintang Sari, S.Si.
Annisa Lintang
Biology Teacher

Profil Singkat

Tentang Saya:

I am a teacher who studies life, From cells so small to ecosystems so rife. I guide my students to observe and explore,To ask “why” and seek to learn more. I teach about creatures, both large and tiny, And how energy flows through nature’s design-y. From food chains to cycles of air and land, I help young minds understand. If you’re curious and love to see, I'm here to help students unveil life's great mystery.

Filosofi Mengajar:

"Do they not look at the camels—how they are created?" (QS. Al-Ghashiyah: 17) This verse reminds us that nature itself is a source of wisdom. In my classroom, I encourage students to observe, question, and explore the world around them. Learning biology is not just about memorizing facts; it is about recognizing the signs of Allah in every cell, ecosystem, and living being. Following the Islamic principle of Tafakkur (deep reflection), I inspire students to see science as a means of strengthening their faith. Through hands-on learning, independent research, and critical thinking, I aim to nurture curiosity, responsibility, and a sense of wonder for Allah’s creation.

Keahlian Khusus:



Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

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